Privacy Policy
Incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 ( No.1 of 1956 ) and that the company is private limited. Uses and protects any information that you give us when You use this website.
We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which You can be identified when using this website, then You can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. We may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.
Customer Data retention/deletion
Arihant Media Solution will initiate permanent deletion of all customer data in case of account suspension as per the request of customer or as per company’s policies. However, customer data can be retained by the company as per the permissible limit of law for cases that requires application of company’s policies and for dispute resolution. The customer is hereby liable to permit data retention within the scope of policies as permitted by the law.
Customer Data Authenticity
The authenticity of data provided by the customer for the use of portal is treated as accurate unless and until the customer updates the information by communicating through electronic mail to the company. The company is liable to only modify/ update the customer data if requested by the customer through electronic mail.
The customer is liable to choose and set a strong password/ passcode while registering for the portal and is fully accountable for maintaining password confidentiality always. Arihant Media Solution, as per the scope permitted by law, holds all the rights to access and share the customer information provided for portal registration.
Data Security
Arihant Media Solution is liable to secure and protect customer’s legal & financial information with adequate security and privacy levels as per the Information Technology Act, 2000 and other governing policies.
Arihant Media Solution holds the right to update/ modify the SLA about the use of portal anytime without providing any prior notice to the customer. However, there being any changes in the privacy policy that directly affects customer’s rights or terms of usage shall be communicated on electronic mail. The customer is liable to stay updated with the company policies as per the modifications made on the uploaded policies on company’s website.
Usage Monitoring
Arihant Media Solution holds the right to record the customer usage details like the time duration of portal usage, frequency of use, storage amount utilized etc as per the regulations governed by law to make constant integrations in our services and for service enhancement.
Use of Cookies
Arihant Media Solution makes use of cookies both of temporary and permanent nature for data handling on website and portal. The temporary cookies are deleted from customer’s system after every session. The customer can choose to stay signed in with the login credentials wherein a permanent cookie will be installed on the customer’s system and the customer will no longer require to sign in every time he wishes to login.
External Links
Arihant Media Solution uses external links on website. Customers should visit the external links only after adequate identification of potential security threats. Arihant Media Solution holds no responsibility on the data captured, used, modified by external/ third party links under any circumstances possible. The customer should be aware of the potential security concerns before clicking on any external links.
Information Security
Arihant Media Solution ensures adequate security levels for data collection/processing on our web platform both virtually and physically to provide protection against unauthorized access of any information pertaining to customer. The employees of Arihant Media Solution are provided restricted access to customer data only pertaining to the relevance of role and task management.
Arihant Media Solution provides users and third party visitors to view and comment on our blog and indulges in discussion in open forums. Personal information like mail and contact details may be required for user registration. However, since the blog and discussion forums are public in accessibility, the customer is advised to share any personal information only after keeping in mind the public nature of the platform. Arihant Media Solution holds no responsibility regarding misuse and alteration of information shared publicly on our blog.
Arihant Media Solution also makes use of third party widgets like Facebook, twitter and Instagram which allows customers or normal profile visitors to post, like, comment and interact on our social platforms. Use of these widgets may result in addition of more cookies and IP capturing to ensure proper functionality of the widget.
Customer’s Data sharing
Arihant Media Solution shares customer data with telecom operators for reasons concerning connectivity and undisrupted routing mechanisms. The template verification scheme works on the model of template approval as per the standards set by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. All the SMS templates must be in accordance with TRAI regulations failing with might result in template disapproval from our service end.
Dispute Resolution
In case of any dispute in terms of services or SLA, the customers are required to get in touch with our support team on for complaints and quick resolutions. If any dispute requiring legal resolution is raised will be resolved as per the regulations of governing law and jurisdiction.